Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it.  Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.  Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.  To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits  in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.- Helen Keller

Recently I have been thinking about what I want out of life.  How I want to feel, who I want in my life, the direction I want my life to take.  One of my biggest fears is "what will other people think if...."  Even though my blog isn't high traffic, I feel as though doing this has helped me break through and share parts of me that I might otherwise be inclined to hide.  After all, who is really in the group of "other people?"  People who don't like me?  Who cares about them?  My friends and family?  If they aren't supportive then I might need to choose differently. 

There are certain goals I want to achieve in my life.  One of those goals is being financially independent and without debt.  The only person holding me back is myself.  Somehow I have found security in living paycheck to paycheck, I have an identity of being the girl with the debt and big spending habits.  I have to change that view of myself.  I have to start believing that I am the woman who is financially independent with no debt.  Otherwise I will continue to perpetuate this same existence.  Also, I have to not be scared about what "other people" think of me.  I have to be brave and realize that the only reason I am staying in this same place is because, for some reason, it offers me some form of security.  Life is better with some risk.  It helps you grow, gives you greater experiences and makes you a better and more complete person. 

Have any of you had to change your view of the "safe" you and take big risks?  What have daring adventures have you gone on in your lives?  Quit your jobs?  Moved to a foreign country?  Paid off debt?  Stopped overeating?  What have you done to change your "safe identity?"

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