As I reflect on 2009 (and the year isn't even over yet!) I realize that happiness is achievable. It is a moment by moment experience. Have I been happy every day of this year? No, probably not. But, 2009 has been a GOOD year. A very good year. I am so thankful for all of my experiences this year.
January: Started out the year right with a trip to DC for the inauguration of Barack Obama as president. Had an amazing trip, despite the frigid temperature, made some great new friends, spent lots of time with my BFF, and learned a lot!
February: Trip to Scottsdale with my family. Was so nice to get out of the dreary Pacific NW for a few days. Bought a plane ticket for the WRONG DAY and ended up staying an extra day! Hahaha!
March: I have to say, the best part, I met Lincoln! Fabulous!
April: Overnight trip to Portland, got caught in a torrential downpour, caught up with old friends, spring!
May: Went to Colorado for a work training, rushed back in time to go to Sasquatch at the Gorge at George, WA, camped for two nights, bonded with friends!
June: Went to Hawaii with Lincoln, summer!
July: I love the 4th of July, had a housewarming party chez moi (a "sausage fest" literally with all different kinds of yummy sausage we picked up at Pike's Place), smiled a lot, my friend Katy moved back from London!
August: Trip to LA to see good friends, SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER!!!!
September: Worked my BUTT off, football on the weekends, easing into fall...
October: My birthday!!! Woohoo! My favorite month, I love fall! Oh ya, not to mention that little trip to Cabo with Lincoln ;-) Halloween (as little red riding hood!)...
November: Ok, I realize the year isn't over yet, but I wanted to get a head start on everything I am thankful for this year! Lincoln and I are going to Whistler for Thanksgiving and going to go snowboarding. We are spending three nights there and some friends are coming as well! I LOVE LOVE LOVE snow and villages and cute shopping and sitting in a hotel room by the fireplace sipping vino! OMG, I am sooooo excited! And, this weekend, Friday we are going to a French dinner put on by the French Business Association here in Seattle complete with wine tasting and a full french menu! Ooohhh lala! Sunday we are going to the MLS Cup and I will be about 10 seats up from DAVID BECKHAM!!!!!!! Yes, my boyfriend knows ;-)
What to look forward to in the remainder of 2009: December!!!!! Holidays!!!!!!! The first weekend in December I have a formal dinner to attend (hello new dress!) and then spending Sunday in a SUITE at Qwest Field to watch my beloved Seahawks. The following weekend I a headed to Boise to see my grandparents and have an early Christmas. The weekend after, dinner at Canlis! And then Christmas with the fam :-)
How are you lovelies spending the rest of the year? I hope everyone can look back at this year and pick something from every month they are thankful for. I am so happy with this year and have decided to make next year just as good! Happy Holidays ladies (and gents?)
Woo love this!!! I need to go back through my year too!! I'm uber excited for the holidays and plan to do lots of fun projects and spend TONS of time with my family :)
oh and eat a LOT! but that's normal. ;)
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