Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day O Love

Today isn't just a regular Valentine's day, it also happens to be L's bday.  So, we started the morning off right with some snuggles then I got up and got a workout in.  Today's was a strength workout.  On my way home from the gym I stopped and picked up Starbucks for both of us.  We get the same thing (grande latte) but L orders his extra hot.  I swear the inside of his mouth must be burned off or something. He has already eaten by the time I got home so I made myself some gluten free waffles, one with egg and apple butter, the other with almond butter and apple butter.  (Just put butter behind anything and I'm sure I'll like it.)

I have a few cute little surprises for L for later today and also a full day of work.  Does anyone else feel like they have been going non-stop lately?  I sure do.  I'm very much looking forward to this three day weekend coming up.

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